Monday, December 13, 2010

New Trailer: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Well, it was inevitable, seeing the way the last film ended, with hints of the Fountain of Youth.


Johnny Depp returns as Capt. Jack Sparrow in the fourth installment of the 2.5 billion dollar franchise.

This looks like fun.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Walking Dead - the whisper (Spoiler Alert)

For The Walking Dead fans

I'm curious. I want some ideas. Dr. Jenner whispered something into Rick's ear before blowing himself up to smitherines.

What do you think it was?

Maybe something to do with a possible blood test and what that blood test shown?

Infection... not necessarily.


is she... well, pregnant? Can that be seen in a blood test? After all, they took blood tests.

Let me read your thoughts. Right here.

The Walking Dead - Season 1.

Frank Darabont has made one helluva show.

AMC is promting the hell out of it. It has broken records left and right.

Now we have to wait until October of 2011 for Season 2 - for the struggle of Rick Grimes and Co. to continue. If it's anything like the first, it will be worth the wait.

It was only six episodes long. But this is a prime example of quantity over quality.

And now we have to wait...

A zombie television series... thought this would never be done. Then again, I questioned how long Lost was gonna last. I mean, how are they gonna keep it going?

Like Lost, the characters are what make the show.

They are compelling, real and have problems.

And they struggle to retain their humanity in a time of crisis.

Can't wait to see more. Frank Darabont has done something real special here.

The Walking Dead DVD and Blu-ray release.

The finale doesn't air until tonight, but is taking pre-orders for the DVD and Blu-ray release of Season 1 of AMC's The Walking Dead. The set is expected to be released in stores on March 8th, 2011. If you haven't watched it, there is also a marathon of all the previous five episodes before tonight's finale at 11pm.

The video release is through Anchor Bay, who have been known for special editions of films like Evil Dead. They have quite a good repuation for releasing good releases with a list of  prominent special features.

Can't wait!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Walking Dead: Writers fired???



News is going out that Frank Darabont, the developer of AMC's hit series The Walking Dead, fired his writing staff for the show.


Now, Gale Anne Hurd, executive producer, is denying these rumors, saying they are "inaccurate."

So, what's the deal, man?

According to Hurd, many of the writers have other committments to other show deals. One, executive producer, Charles Eglee, left to run his own show. Rumors stated he was fired by Darabont after Eglee wanted the job of showrunner.

Ah, the power of the rumor. Have we not learned anything from watching Easy A? Man, people need to get the facts straight.

However, Darabont, who directed The Shawshank Redemption, is the showrunner, and it shoud stay that way.

The season finale airs tomorrow. Can't wait.

1st Blog

Hello. My friends know of my love for movies. This will be me talking about my thoughts on news and new material I have watched.